Anxiety can be debilitating. For some, the constant worry, nervousness and uneasiness is too much to overcome.
Instead of facing our anxiety, we fold. Overcoming feelings this strong seems like an impossible feat. So we tell ourselves we could care less about the outcome. Similarly, we project to others that we could care less about the income. True, it is easier to minimize our fear rather than face our fear.
But no more, my fellow anxious avengers.
See, there's something quite powerful about an anxiety. The fear of not being good enough is nothing more than the desire to be great. The desire to be great is a trait of not only functional people, but highly successful people.
We must allow ourselves to feel anxious by recognizing and accepting when and why anxiety is present. No doubt it is uncomfortable. But the more we push away these feelings, the less we are able to face in life - the more we hide.
Feeling anxious now becomes an opportunity. It may be the first time we have been faced with something. Or it may be an opportunity to gain comfort through repetition of something we have previously faced but did not fare as well as we thought we should have.
When we challenge our minds to respond constructively to these feelings, it becomes a daily ritual to see what emotional tremors will test our nerves and how we respond to those nerves. What we find is that we longer are forced to minimize our anxiety because our anxiety has minimized itself organically.
We now attack high-stress situations with a sense of urgency that is sure to release adrenaline. Reigning supreme is the belief that the chips will fall where they may. Much like getting ready for a game, we lace our shoes tight for the day at hand.
How will I respond under pressure?
Put me in the game and let's see. I certainly won't know from the bench.